Monday, June 23, 2008

Dr. Updates

So I have had a couple of Dr. appts. lately so I figured I would update.

First off, I had my 3rd trimester echocardiogram done, as well as a follow-up appointment. All looked good, no significant change with my heart. This was more routine than anything since we already are planning on going the c-section route and not having to worry about pushing this time.

Second, I had another OB appointment today. Woo hoo!! I made it another week! Basically I am still 3 cm. dilated. I am also about 80% effaced and at 0 station (which means the baby has dropped, which I can assure you it feels like!!!). When the dr. examined me her initial comment was "Wow! That baby is LOW!" I got this a lot with Mia, so I am beginning to think that I am an early dilater and low baby carrier. :) Either way, the dr. thinks it could be soon, but also told me that there are people who will walk around at 3 cm. for a couple of weeks. Sooooo, in my gut I feel like the baby is coming fairly soon, but we will see.

I need to have Cort take a picture soon before it's too late!

I will be sure to keep you all posted.....

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