I can't believe it, but Mia is one month shy of her first birthday. This is such a fun time full of changes and Mia has been like a little sponge lately. She continues to babble up a storm and ARMY crawl all over the place. I think Mia has chosen not to crawl regularly, and I doubt she will. She is so fast with her army crawl that I don't think she feels the need to raise up on her arms. I know she can do it (I've seen her do it in the grass when she was trying to avoid her arms touching the grass-ha! ha!), but she just doesn't want to. She has also almost fully transitioned from her bottles to her sippy cup. She has about one bottle a day and we give her formula the other times in her sippy. She actually seems to like the sippy better because she gets the formula faster. She is standing a ton, and has started to cruise a little here and there around the furniture when there is something she wants. She has learned a couple of signs-milk and more, and has been using them somewhat regularly. Her newest "tricks" are "So big," giving a high-five, and playing peek-a-boo. When you ask her "How big is Mia?" She lifts her arms. But instead of lifting them straight up, she puts them on top of her head. It is too funny. For high fives, she puts her hand out and lets you hit it, but then sometimes she just keeps holding it up. :) For peek-a-boo, she will hold a burp cloth in front of her face and then pull it down fast. She seriously cracks herself up doing this. She has been doing better with her table foods lately. Her favorite seems to be grilled chesse, which I consumed lots of when I was pregnant. She has also been trying out noodles, chicken, dried fruit, fig newtons, green beans, cheese, etc. Dinner time is much messier these days and Mia does not like being cleaned off afterwards! Mia also has really formed a bond with her little stuffed lion that she got from my mom and dad several months back. She now sleeps and snuggles him at night and likes to cuddle him when she is feeling tired. Here is a picture of her from this morning after she woke up(sorry for the bad quality). She was still waking up, head on her lion, maraca in hand.

I am really excited for Mia's bithday party. We are going to do a rubber ducky theme. Here is a picture of her invite, although I cropped out personal information. Mary from Paper & Ink Studio designed these and she is awesome. Her website is
http://www.paperandinkstudio.com/ if you are ever looking for invites.
Well, that's enough babbling for now. I guess I am just making up for lost time since I haven't added anything new the last couple of days. :)