Thursday, July 29, 2010

Zucchini Bread (and some updated garden pics)

Back when we planted our garden back at the end of May, I wasn't sure how it would turn out.  I am not really known to have a green thumb and Cort is in charge of watering our house plants to keep them alive.  However, I am proud to say that we have actually succeeded in growing some veggies in our garden!  It is probably due to Mia's green thumb, not mine. :)  So far we have harvested more cucumbers than I can count (and if you are a neighbor or relative, you may have received some), many tomatoes (both the Bush Early Girl, which did come nice and early, as well as grape tomatoes), strawberries, and 1 zucchini.  Our pumpkin plant is out of control as our the beans (which we still have not found any beans).  I have learned many lessons along the way if we plant a garden again next year such as starting with a good bunny-proof fence as well as not planting things so close together.  Either way, it is exciting to check out the garden each day to see what we can pick.  Here are some pictures...

Mia with her 1st cucumber
(which she will not eat due to a traumatic cucumber eating experience she will gladly tell you about if you ask her)
The cucumbers on the trellis (this worked really well)
A view of the whole trellis
Strawberries (these as well as the grape tomatoes are in containers on the deck)
Grape tomatoes
View of the whole garden (unfortunately due to all the rain I had to pull a couple zucchini plants because of root rot and some cucumber beetles have now invaded)
Our 1st zucchini growing
Mia's garden harvest one day

After picking our lone zucchini so far today, we decided to make zucchini bread.  The kids were super-excited to help and are now napping with hopes it will be ready when they wake up. :) 

Mia with the zucchini before grating it
And Cole too
(yes, he has a sticker on his head, and yes that is the recipe up on the computer in the background)
Grating the zucchini so carefully
Pouring the sugar in with dad's help
Watching the mixer (this may have been the highlight of the whole experience!)
Cole thought this was the greatest thing ever!
An attempt of a pic of both of them
The finished product

Hopefully it will taste as good as it smells!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

Yikes! It has been a long time since I have posted! July has been a crazy month which has included 9 days in California with Cort and the kids, returning back to Chicago for about a week, and then a second trip back out to California for 6 days with my Mom and sister. Life is good!!

I am really wanting to update the blog since I have SO many pictures from both trips to share. But I will start with this one of me, my aunt, sister and mom from a BEAUTIFUL winery. Look for updates coming soon!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cole Jumping and Swimming

Cole has always enjoyed the water, but this summer he has been enjoying it more than ever. He is a fearless little guy, so thank goodness for life jackets! I think we need to get him into swim lessons soon though so we can wean him off the life jacket when swimming...

Here's some video from Cole enjoying the pool on our trip to California. He LOVED jumping in over, and over, and over, and over (you get the idea!).

Here you go...

Doing his best doggie paddle....