Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Mia Posing for Mommy
Since I've been back to work, I haven't had a ton of time to take pictures, so here are a some pictures from a couple of weeks ago-my little Mia posing. I swear she does smile!! :) She is showing you her more serious side here...

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sweet Pea
Here is our little Mia Pea was we like to sometimes call her. :) She is sporting a new hat from a little baby boutique Sarah and I checked out today. It is called Sweet Pea Children's Boutique and it is in Plainfield (http://www.sweetpeakids.com/). They had so much cute stuff, but I limited myself to a new hat for Mia and a red bow headband for Valentine's Day. Her head, which is in the 95 percentile is quickly outgrowing all of her hats, so I of course have to keep up the collection!

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Superbowl Here We Come!!
Today was an exciting day-the Bears made it into the Superbowl-woo hoo!!! We watched the game over at Sarah and Ian's, and Mia cheered the Bears on in her Bears onesie (courtesy of Pam) and Bears bib and socks (courtesy of Ryan). Go Bears!!!

What's New at the Graske Household
So I have been very, very busy trying to get back in the swing of things since I'm returning back to work lately. Unfortunately for me, that means less time taking pictures and getting online. Here are a two random shots from the last couple of days. The first is Mia helping Cort vacuum. She loves to help her daddy by holding the cord. Mia is happy to be helping, and I'm happy the house is getting vacuumed and I don't have to do it! The second is of Zip. For whatever strange reason, after living in this house 1 1/2 years, he has now decided he likes to hang out on top of the refrigerator out of the blue-weird!

Monday, January 15, 2007
Yummy, Yummy Mia's Got Cereal In Her Tummy!
Well, today was the big day-Mia's first day of solids that is. We have been thinking that Mia has been ready to start cereal for awhile now, but we were trying to wait until the time was right that we could be consistent with it. The pediatrician recommended that we introduce cereal any time between 4-6 months when she was showing that she was interested in food. Well, Mia has been eyeing up and grabbing at everything we have been eating or drinking lately, so we figured it was time.
Mia did awesome! She of course spit out some of the cereal as she ate, but it seemed like she loved it and of course cried when there was none left! She even grabbed the spoon out of our hands and tried to feed herself. Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Mia did awesome! She of course spit out some of the cereal as she ate, but it seemed like she loved it and of course cried when there was none left! She even grabbed the spoon out of our hands and tried to feed herself. Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Dave and Liz Meet Mia
Cort and I were so excited that Dave and Liz came in this weekend from Jacksonville and finally had a chance to meet Mia! Even though she decided to make it an early night on Saturday, they got to spend some quality time together on Sunday (in between watching the Bears game of course!). And I have to thank Liz for lulling Mia to sleep for her afternoon nap. :)

Friday, January 12, 2007
Visit From Auntie Ness
TGIF-Although this is going to be a busy weekend! Dave and Liz are in town, Tonya's baby shower for her twins is Saturday, the Bears play Sunday, and Sarah and I have a spa day Monday. Then it is officially my last week off before back to school-boo!
Today Auntie Ness came by for lunch and a visit with Mia. Venessa is due in July, so Mia is anxiously awaiting finding out if she will have a new best friend, or future boyfriend! Here they are...

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Mia and Noah Have A Playdate
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Baby Einstein Play Center
Today Cort put together Mia's Baby Einstein Play Center. We have been thinking she may be ready to try it out and she was, although she is a little small for it still. Here are some pictures of her enjoying it...

Here are a couple other pictures of Mia playing today on her Kick and Crawl Aquarium. As you can see, she loves both her mirror and her kitty Zip.

Here are a couple other pictures of Mia playing today on her Kick and Crawl Aquarium. As you can see, she loves both her mirror and her kitty Zip.

Monday, January 8, 2007
The Many Faces of Mia
Recently I have been trying to get all my photos of Mia labeled and organized in albums before I go back to school (easier said than done given the amount of pictures I have!) As I was looking through some pictures from the first week of her life, I noticed how much Mia has grown in 4 1/2 short months. Mia is getting bigger and bigger every day! She constantly makes us laugh with the new expressions she makes. I should also add that Mia finally was able to roll from her back to her front!! She had mastered front-to-back when she was only 2 months old, but back-to-front proved to be much harder. Cort actually got to see it first this weekend while I was sleeping in late (that's what I get!), but Mia has since done it many other times for us to enjoy.
Here are a couple of the many faces of Mia, as well as her cute little feet.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Bath Night
Tonight was bath night for Mia, which was long overdue. I haven't taken any of the obligatory naked bath shots of Mia lately, so I figured I should pull out the camera. Mia now really loves her baths and loves splashing around in her tub. Mia also loves being covered in her towels after bathtime. I had to include the last picture with all of Mia's wrinkles to show you how "fluffy" she has become recently (also note the look on her face that says "mom-stop taking my picture!)-I love it!

Saturday, January 6, 2007
Mia's First Time Meeting Aunt Diane and Cousin Amelia
This past Thursday Mia had the chance to meet her Aunt Diane and Cousin Amelia. They came in from Madison for a visit and to meet the 2 newest Graskes-Mia and Ava. Amelia was very attentive to Mia's needs, but probably had the most fun playing with her cousin Aidan. She also enjoyed hanging out with (or should I say on) Cort. I'm including some pictures from their visit and also of Aidan in his raincoat with his umbrella from Gigi and Papa. Can you believe it was pouring that night? It has been a mild January so far here in Chicagoland!

Cort and Amelia

Aidan with his raincoat and umbrella

Friday, January 5, 2007
Enjoying My New Camera
One of Cort's gifts to me this Christmas was a great new camera-the Nikon D40. I know I loved to take pictures before, but this new camera has brought the picture insanity to a new level! Poor Mia, I wont get out of her face. :) Here are a couple of my favorites of Mia and the family so far.
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