Monday, January 8, 2007

The Many Faces of Mia

Recently I have been trying to get all my photos of Mia labeled and organized in albums before I go back to school (easier said than done given the amount of pictures I have!) As I was looking through some pictures from the first week of her life, I noticed how much Mia has grown in 4 1/2 short months. Mia is getting bigger and bigger every day! She constantly makes us laugh with the new expressions she makes. I should also add that Mia finally was able to roll from her back to her front!! She had mastered front-to-back when she was only 2 months old, but back-to-front proved to be much harder. Cort actually got to see it first this weekend while I was sleeping in late (that's what I get!), but Mia has since done it many other times for us to enjoy.

Here are a couple of the many faces of Mia, as well as her cute little feet.

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