I am so excited to share that I have a new job!! Next year I will be working in the same district, but different school. I have taken a part-time job as a Reading Specialist at Georgetown. I am so sad to leave Kendall, which has been such a great place to work at, with such a great staff, but this opportunity will give me more time with Mia, and much less work to bring home. I will work Monday-Friday from around 9-12:30 or so.
Mia also had her 9-month appointment today. She is 20 pounds, 4 ounces (75th percentile), and 28 5/8 inches long (80th percentile). Mia's head is still measuring large-the 95th percentile! What we always say is "big head-big brains!" :) We are going to be working more on standing and eating more table foods as we approach 1-year-old-can you believe it???
I don't have any new pictures, so in honor of Mia's 9-month appointment, I will post some pictures of her as a newborn to show how much she's grown in such a short time!
Minutes Old

3 Days Old
Mia-9 Months