Sunday, April 29, 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007


I thought I would update with some newer bath pictures of Mia. She LOVES to splash in the tub and I am so looking forward to taking her to the pool this summer. Here you go...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Busy Bee

Saturday was another busy day. First we headed over to Grandma Sellers' house to visit with not only Grandma, but the Great-grandparents as well. After that we headed over to Ian and Sarah's to celebrate Papa's birthday.

Checking out Papa B.
Clutching the football
Ava at the Park

Cort and Ian with the Girls

Gigi and Mia

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Is it Summer?

This Saturday we were blessed with Summer-like weather. Mia and Ava enjoyed relaxing and hanging out in Sarah and Ian's backyard.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Happy Friday

There's not a whole lot of new news to report here-Mia is still not 100%. Her congestion has now settled into her chest, so instead of a runny nose, she has an icky cough. Hopefully she will kick it soon! Here are a couple pictures of Mia with a new blanket I picked up at Pier One for 75% off after a tip I saw on a message board I frequent. I love how colorful it is!

Here is Mia's latest attempt at crawling. She is SO fast! She has the army crawl down, now she just has to put it all together. Today she went scooting after the remote control Cort was holding and I couldn't believe how quick she moved. Boy is our life about to change!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Jen's Birthday

We celebrated Jen's birthday last night by heading over to Panera to have dinner with her, Mike and Noah, as well as my Mom. After that all of us headed over to the brand new Macy's for their opening. Even though the babies had to head home early, Jen, Mom, and I had fun doing some shopping!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mia's got a Cold

So it's finally getting warmer here and of course now Mia has a cold. Today was nice, so I thought I would try to take her out and get some pictures, but she was not overly agreeable to that idea. Here's what I could get...

She was trying to go after Zip who was on the deck

Poor thing!

I should also add that Mia is 8 Months Old today!! Where does the time go?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Look at My Teeth!

I've been trying to get a picture of Mia's 2 new bottom teeth and was finally successful today. Here are a couple from today.

Can you see them?

Look at those big eyes!

And one of Aidan...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mia's Attempt at Crawling

So Mia is about to close in on her 8 month birthday, and is working hard to learn how to crawl. She has an interesting technique most of the time of putting her head to the ground, butt in the air, and pushing herself along, but here is a more "normal" attempt. Note the intense concentration in the 2nd picture. :) I think I have a little more time before I have to make sure we are 100% baby-proofed, but we're getting close!

Also, Mia's newest facination is the aquarium on her crib. This has been on her crib forever, but she suddenly has a new appreciation for it. She just stares and smiles and laughs at it like she's watching TV.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Fun on Easter!

Today was Mia's first Easter. She celebrated with Easter baskets from us, Auntie Ness, Sarah and Ian, Grandma, and our next door neighbors, as well as gifts from her Great-Grandparents and Aunt-what a spolied little one! While she didn't totally understand what was going on, she enjoyed pulling her gifts out of each basket. We had brunch at Sarah and Ian's in the morning and then headed over to Aunt Cathy's for our second meal of the day. Mia had a great time playing with all of her cousins and new toys! We are very, very tired and I am so glad that we have a late start with conferences tomorrow, although I know I will not appreciate working until 8 tomorrow night.

Mia with some of her Easter baskets

Mia's Easter basket from us (this basket was made by my grandpa for me as a child)
Mia with an Easter Egg crocheted by her Great-Great Grandmother (given by Grandma Sellers)

Mia and Great Grandma

Catching bubbles with Grandma
Discovering the gifts in her Easter basket from Grandma Noah

Noah and Mia