Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mia's Attempt at Crawling

So Mia is about to close in on her 8 month birthday, and is working hard to learn how to crawl. She has an interesting technique most of the time of putting her head to the ground, butt in the air, and pushing herself along, but here is a more "normal" attempt. Note the intense concentration in the 2nd picture. :) I think I have a little more time before I have to make sure we are 100% baby-proofed, but we're getting close!

Also, Mia's newest facination is the aquarium on her crib. This has been on her crib forever, but she suddenly has a new appreciation for it. She just stares and smiles and laughs at it like she's watching TV.

1 comment:

Mom2Cam...Wife2Ger said...

Before you know it she will be walking! It just clicks to them one day...its amazing! Shes so beautiful...love the first shot! Get ready, they are fast little buggers!