Sunday, April 8, 2007

Fun on Easter!

Today was Mia's first Easter. She celebrated with Easter baskets from us, Auntie Ness, Sarah and Ian, Grandma, and our next door neighbors, as well as gifts from her Great-Grandparents and Aunt-what a spolied little one! While she didn't totally understand what was going on, she enjoyed pulling her gifts out of each basket. We had brunch at Sarah and Ian's in the morning and then headed over to Aunt Cathy's for our second meal of the day. Mia had a great time playing with all of her cousins and new toys! We are very, very tired and I am so glad that we have a late start with conferences tomorrow, although I know I will not appreciate working until 8 tomorrow night.

Mia with some of her Easter baskets

Mia's Easter basket from us (this basket was made by my grandpa for me as a child)
Mia with an Easter Egg crocheted by her Great-Great Grandmother (given by Grandma Sellers)

Mia and Great Grandma

Catching bubbles with Grandma
Discovering the gifts in her Easter basket from Grandma Noah

Noah and Mia


Andrea said...

She is such a cutie- love the expression in the last pic! And I really like the Easter basket- what a cool thing to be able to pass down!

Melissa, Joey, and Michael said...

Looks like Mia had a wonderful Easter! She is beautiful!

Our family said...

How cute!! Isn't it so fun to have cousins so close in age? Payton and Jolie have a blast now that they truly understand who each other are:)

Mom2Cam...Wife2Ger said...

I LOVE the last three...the faces on the babies are just too cute. Shes such a beautiful baby girl.