This totally makes me laugh how they are just rocking in silence.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Party in My Crib!
Lately Cole has been very much mesmerized by his mobile. All I have to do is put him down in his crib, crank the mobile and leave and he will watch it and fall asleep. He flaps like a wild man when it first starts up he is so excited. :)

This picture makes me laugh because he is looking so seriously at it!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Mia vs. the Shopping Cart
I have to say I had a great birthday weekend-lots of meals out (On the Border, Mongolian BBQ, Meson Sabika, Texas Roadhouse-yum!!) and time with friends and family. However, my actual birthday (Monday) was a bit more eventful than I would have hoped. :)
First, while picking up some formula at Target, Mia was running behind our cart and took a header straight into the wheel. It was one of those where it is immediately bruised. She also was bleeding slightly from her nostrils and her nose was also scraped up and swollen. We got her to the front of the store as quick as we could and got ice on it. She recovered from it pretty quick except for being very hateful of the ice we were trying to stick on her face. :) A call to the dr. reassured me that it is very rare for toddlers to break their noses due to the fact they are still mainly all cartilage (there is your random fact of the day). Needless to say I think both Cort and I were slightly more traumatized than Mia. A dose of motrin and a nap later and all was well!
That evening Cort and I went to dinner where I proceeded to slice my thumb while cutting my bread-don't ask! After finishing dinner and picking up the kids I took a solo trip to the urgent care just to get it looked at. Thankfully no stitches were needed and they cleaned it up and bandaged it nicely for me. I guess you could say my birthday went out with a bang!
Thank you to my friends and family for the wonderful gifts, babysitting, and dinners!! I am very lucky to have you in my life. :)
First, while picking up some formula at Target, Mia was running behind our cart and took a header straight into the wheel. It was one of those where it is immediately bruised. She also was bleeding slightly from her nostrils and her nose was also scraped up and swollen. We got her to the front of the store as quick as we could and got ice on it. She recovered from it pretty quick except for being very hateful of the ice we were trying to stick on her face. :) A call to the dr. reassured me that it is very rare for toddlers to break their noses due to the fact they are still mainly all cartilage (there is your random fact of the day). Needless to say I think both Cort and I were slightly more traumatized than Mia. A dose of motrin and a nap later and all was well!
That evening Cort and I went to dinner where I proceeded to slice my thumb while cutting my bread-don't ask! After finishing dinner and picking up the kids I took a solo trip to the urgent care just to get it looked at. Thankfully no stitches were needed and they cleaned it up and bandaged it nicely for me. I guess you could say my birthday went out with a bang!
Thank you to my friends and family for the wonderful gifts, babysitting, and dinners!! I am very lucky to have you in my life. :)
Here is Mia, a bit banged up (this actually looks better than she does in person-there is a good amount of bruising around the bridge of her nose)

Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me! :)
So today is the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday (in other words I am 31-yikes!). Cort got me a flip video for my birthday which I had really been wanting so that I could upload video to the blog and facebook. It is so easy!!! I was playing around with it this morning and here is a quick clip of Mia singing "Happy Birthday." She was cracking me up because she was singing "Happy birthday BECKY," instead of saying MOMMY. :)
Mia and Ava aka 2 Little Ragamuffins
The other day Ava stopped by for a little while to play with Mia. I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of the two girls lately and since they were playing by the kitchen so nicely I decided to snap a couple. Unfortunately, they were looking a little ragamuffinish (if that is even a word!). I still think they are pretty darn cute! :)

PS-I swear I do comb my daughter's hair!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Have a Happy Valentine's Day today!!
The kids Valentines.....

Just an FYI....I got these out late, so your kiddo will probably be getting them after Valentine's day. :)
The kids Valentines.....
A repeat of last year

And my attempt with Cole

Just an FYI....I got these out late, so your kiddo will probably be getting them after Valentine's day. :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So I have finally had the chance to sit down and give our blog a much-needed facelift!! Cole is 6-months old and I still had that old picture of Mia from Valentine's Day LAST year! Yikes!! Anyhow, I found this template online and I am sure I will continue to change it up, but here is at least a temporary facelift with a (lame) banner that shows our whole family instead of just one child! :) One day when I have more time I will try to play around in photoshop and make a prettier one. Until then, this is it!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Potty Training Sucess!
As I write this post, we are on day 2 of potty training! I had always thought that I would just do a "potty bootcamp" type of weekend, but Mia had been showing so much interest and staying dry that we decided to just go for it. Mia has always been interested in the potty, but ever since she has started school, she has become even more into it. She had been staying dry for long periods of time (even overnight many times), asking to use the potty, and actually going when she said she needed to. I would pick her up from school and she would still be in the same (dry) diaper that she had been in and her teachers would tell me that she had used the potty all morning, many times telling them she needed to go.
Sooooo, the other day when I picked her up her teacher told me I really should send her in underwear the next day (I guess she figured I needed that push-ha, ha!). I was really nervous about taking the plunge, but I did it, also sending a long SEVERAL extra outfits (plus she already has some there too). Imagine my suprise when I picked her up she was still in her outfit from the morning. I couldn't believe it! Same thing happened again today. The only bump in the road was yesterday when she was playing over at Sarah and Ian's she was upstairs playing and I probably should have been asking her more frequently if she needed to go. I will leave out the gory details, but it involved a bit of cleanup. :)
Overall though, she has been doing awesome! I never thought it would be so easy, but I guess when they are ready, they are ready! She is still in a diaper overnight, just in case, but hopefully we will phase that out down the road.
Sooooo, the other day when I picked her up her teacher told me I really should send her in underwear the next day (I guess she figured I needed that push-ha, ha!). I was really nervous about taking the plunge, but I did it, also sending a long SEVERAL extra outfits (plus she already has some there too). Imagine my suprise when I picked her up she was still in her outfit from the morning. I couldn't believe it! Same thing happened again today. The only bump in the road was yesterday when she was playing over at Sarah and Ian's she was upstairs playing and I probably should have been asking her more frequently if she needed to go. I will leave out the gory details, but it involved a bit of cleanup. :)
Overall though, she has been doing awesome! I never thought it would be so easy, but I guess when they are ready, they are ready! She is still in a diaper overnight, just in case, but hopefully we will phase that out down the road.
Here is one of those pictures that I am sure I will embarrass Mia with when she is a teenager

Monday, February 2, 2009
Pushing Up
Right around the time Cole turned 6 months, he really started doing a great job pushing up. He has even been rocking a bit-it is hard to believe that in the next couple of months he will be mobile and crawling around-yikes!!! Here are 2 quick pics of him showing off his skills. :) Thanks Ness for the cute outfit!

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