So I felt like I couldn't post without at least putting one picture, so here is a picture from a couple weeks ago even though it has nothing to do with this post. I had shared a similar one before, but I don't think she had her tongue sticking out in that one and I thought this was cute. I've been playing around with converting my pictures to black and white, so there you go...
Anyow, Mia had her 1-year appointment today. Everything looked great. Mia weighs 21 1/2 pounds and is the 60th percentile. My baby is losing her "fluff!" She is now right under 30 inches and in the 75th percentile for height-she must get that from her daddy. And of course, Mia's noggin remains in he 90th percentile!! Poor thing had to get 4 shots today!! The nurses who gave her the shots were impressed with how good she was and referred to her as "mild mannered." I had to laugh because in Mia's 1st year of life I don't think anyone has ever referred to her as being mild mannered-ha, ha!
She is also doing good with all her milestones. She is not walking yet, but cruising a lot. She is quite verbal and when we were in the office was even trying to repeat "fish" since there was a glittery one hanging in the room. She is doing pretty good with her eating and drinking, but I think my goal will be to get her to eat more of a variety of food and push those fruits and veggies. The dr. warned me that some tough times are ahead as Mia begins to assert her independence and express frustration more. All I can say is that in one year I am amazed by how much Mia has grown and changed. One day she was this helpless little baby and now she will go and get a book if I ask her-crazy, crazy!!