Friday, November 2, 2007

Trick or Treat!!

On Wednesday, Mia celebrated her second Halloween. First Mia went to my old school Kendall in costume to visit my old students and coworkers. After that, we came home and did a little trick or treating. We went to Mia's baby sitter's house and then a little later we went out with Aidan and Ava. Our next door neighbors gave Mia a box of animal crackers, and she was very content to just sit in her stroller and eat those. It was fun to see all the neighborhood kids dressed up, although I am left with far too much candy!!

I also want to apologize ahead of time for the bad picture-taking ahead. These next couple of posts are proof-positive that you can have a nice camera and still take bad pictures! :)

With Ian, our babysitter's son Doesn't she look like such a big girl here?
The three cousins
Yummy animal crackers
The girls
Checking out the goods

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