Last night we had a rare night out to celebrate Pam's 30th birthday in the city. We had plans to hit 10-Pin first, but due to a mistake they made we had to make alternate plans. All worked out though and we started out at the House of Blues Bar. After that we headed to Martini Park-a cool new bar in the city. I realized that I am an old lady though because by midnight I was so hot and my feet were KILLING me (not to mention I was hungry-shocking, right?). I wear heels at school every day, but for some reason, it was not a good choice last night! As Cort and I were walking to the parking garage he asked me if I was limping, that's how bad my feet hurt!!
We had a great time celebrating with Pam (the best friend and aunt a person could have!) and of course seeing everyone who came in town that we don't get to see as often like Lisa and Bob and Heather and Roger. Rebecca suprised us all by flying in from Texas to surprise Pam and doing a little celebrating as well since her birthday is almost here!! Mia slept at my mom's house, so it was nice knowing she was in good hands. Here are some pictures from the night...
Me and Pam