To start with, Mia had her 18-month appointment about a week or so ago. You can see that Mia is losing her baby fat and getting taller. I miss those chunky thighs she used to have! Here are the stats:
Weight-23 lbs, 11 oz (25th-50th percentile)
Height-32 1/4 in. (50th-75th percentile)
Head (have to include the big noggin!)-19 1/8 in. (90th-95th percentile)
Mia is talking up a storm these days. Mainly she is using one word at a time, occasionally two. Some of her words include mom, dad, ball, gone, whee, up, no (she is great with this word!), yes, that, this, ow, poop, papa, Mick, Minnie, Pete (from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), duck, hot, more, glo-glo (her glow worm), and book. I am sure I am forgetting some, but that is what I can remember off the top of my head. One of Mia's favorite things to do is point to things and say "that." She wants you to say what it is (even if she knows) and then she will repeat it. She has been doing better with "please" which we taught her to counteract the whining we get when Mia wants something. We have been working on "thank you" but it has been a little more difficult for Mia. It sounds more like "you."
Mia also loves to make animal sounds. Whenever you ask her what sounds certain animals make, she says more and makes you go through the list again. Mia's favorite's inlcude dog, cow, monkey, duck, cat, sheep and snake. Mia can't get enough of her animals!
After being a late walker, Mia is doing great with it now-she actually can get up some speed, although she is certainly not the world's most coordinated child. :) She is now able to climb up and go down both the slides we have in the basement on her own. Mia is also having a lot of fun at her gymnastics class practicing her motor skills and doing lots of climbing and jumping. Waiting to take her turn and transition from one activity to another is a more of a challenge, but I think this is a great experience for her to have some structure.
Eating has become more of a struggle these days. Some days she will eat a ton, other days not so much. She gets pretty stubborn and doesn't want to eat certain things, which has limited our variety of choices these days. We will keep trying!!!
Mia has a lot of obsessions these days. First, Mia is obsessed with books. As a teacher and reading specialist I am proud of her love of reading, but I have to admit sometimes I get a little tired reading 20 books in a row, or the same book 20 times!! Mia's favorite books we have been reading lately are her Alphabooks from the Faulkner family. Another obsession of Mia's is the potty. She always wants to always play with her little potty, wants to come in when I go to the bathroom and wave when I flush (I know-too much info!), and will say "poop" when she has to go poop. And finally Mia still LOVES watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She gets so excited when it comes on in the morning and cries for "Mick" when the t.v. is off.
We have been trying to prepare Mia for the baby, although we know that she won't truly understand what is going on until the baby is here. However, if you ask her where the baby is she will point to my belly (most times!). She also will always kiss my belly whenever I am getting her out of the high chair. Hopefully she will be as loving when the baby actually gets here. :)
And now, here is my 18-month old big girl....
Reading on Mom and Dad's Bed