Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Too Long!!

I know, I know, it has been WAY too long since I have updated. I have taken some grief from friends who shall remain nameless--Kristy, Kristin, Melissa, and Alyssa (your comment made me laugh-I promise there are currently no more Graskes on the way!) and I know I need to get back on track! I thought once Cort was home with the kids I would have lots more time, but needless to say I was wrong! Going back to work has kept me busy. My mornings are busy with work and by the time I get home I am wanting to spend time with the kiddos. Afternoon naptime is normally spent trying to take care of loose ends. By the time the kids go down at night I am normally spent and the whole routine starts again! Despite the craziness, things are going well and we have been busy doing lots of fun stuff. I will try to get back on track and start updating again soon. Check these next couple of days for lots of updates (I hope!)

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