Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I wanted to take a minute and plug some cool things that family and friends are doing.

First off, my sister Jen is doing the March for Babies, sponsored by the March of Dimes. As you probably know, my nephew Noah was born 6 weeks premature, weighing in at only 3 lbs. 6 oz. He has worked hard to overcome the obstacles of being a preemie and is doing so well these days. The the March of Dimes is a great organization that helps with preventing prematurity also providing comfort and information to families with a newborn in intensive care.

Here is a link to her page. Go check it out and if the spirit moves you, make a donation!

Here is a picture of Noah only a couple days old (he was such a tiny peanut!)....

and now doing great and going to be 3 in June!!!...

Second, Shannon and her cousin Kelly have just recently started up a business called Relatively Speaking Clothing. They are making cute personalized baby and children's clothing. Check them out and you can see a cute diaper cover they can personalize. Mia had one of these as a baby and I loved it!

Last, my sister-in-law Sarah started a blog! You may have noticed already on my blogroll, but if not, head over and leave her a comment telling her to update-he, he!! :) The picture on her header is good enough reason to check it out-too funny! That was an outtake from some pictures I had taken of the kids in the fall. Here was the winner that day, although the outtake is much funnier....

That's all for now!

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