Sunday, April 1, 2012

Neigborhood Easter Egg Hunt

One of the things I have loved about our neighborhood since we moved here 5 years ago is the Halloween parade and Easter egg hunt they put on each year.  I am a big sucker for tradition!  It is that time of year again, so today we headed on over to the park to hunt for some Easter eggs.  It had rained the night before, so I was expecting the field to be a muddy, wet mess, but luckily it wasn't too bad.  The kids had a great time collecting eggs as you can see from the pictures below.  If you want a good laugh, you can check out pictures of Mia (Cole was in my belly) from the hunt back in 2008.  I thought I had blogged more of our egg hunts in past years, but I guess that was the only other one I have done.  Now on to the pictures....

Mia and her friend Mia :)
They divided the kids in age groups, so Cole went first.
 And he's off!
  Cole was so funny, he shook each egg before he decided if he was going to keep it. :)
So excited!  
 His loot!
 Now it's Mia's turn!
 Watch that rope!  :)
 Taking a moment to count her eggs
 So sweet!
 Checking out what's in their eggs
 And of course, an Easter Egg Hunt is not complete without the Easter Bunny!

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