Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Guess Who Finally Got a Tooth??
Anyhow, today was a bit of a better day, so I am hopeful that Cole is finally on the road to recovery! I mentioned in my last post on Cole how he has become a thumb-sucker, and I was able to capture it the other day (doesn't he just look sick in these pictures???)....
Monday, May 18, 2009
Going to the Chapel.....

This past weekend I got the shock of my life when Mia came upstairs with Cort and Cole and had a present for me with a note on it. I was so confused until I read the last line "I'm getting married!!! " I started freaking out asking Cort if Pam was at our house and he (playing along with Pam and Ryan) said no. I went frantically running downstairs for my phone when I saw them standing at the door. I let out the loudest scream, making poor Cole burst into tears. :)
Pam has been my bestest friend for many years and there is truly not a more kind, caring compassionate person in the world! It is apparent that she has found her match! Ryan planned a wonderfully thoughtful engagement that you can view in pictures here. You will have to log in, but it shows how much thought he put into it. I am so happy that Pam and Ryan have found one another-they are such a great match! Congrats to you both!!!!
Here are a couple more pictures....

Bass Pro Easter Bunny

and just so you can get the full effect, I cropped in a little closer
While Cole is as happy as can be, Mia was not having it and totally freaking out. In order for us to even get a picture, Cort and I had to sit there too. And as you can see, we were obviously not expecting to have our picture taken. :)
We decided to relax a bit and check out the fish and tents, and as we were walking around I asked Mia why she didn't like the Easter Bunny. She told me that she was scared of him. I then explained that he was nice and like Santa and would bring her treats on Easter morning. Suddenly she had a change if heart and wanted to go see him again (funny how that works!). Luckily the line was short, so we tried again. Here is what we got the second time around....

and the close-up
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Cole--9-10 Months
First with the 9 month stats....
Weight: 19 lbs--25%
Height: 28 7/8 inches--75%
Head Circumference 17 1/2 inches--25%
Cole dropped a bit in percentile on his weight, but that isn't all surprising when you see him. He is just our long, skinny guy. Now if he didn't eat I would be concerned, but it is quite the opposite. This boy likes to eat! He pretty much started rejecting pureed baby food right around 9 months, so we went ahead and started him on some basic table food. He loved it! Ever since then he has pretty much transitioned to all table food and is doing great. I swear sometimes he eats more than Mia which is crazy!! He does great feeding himself with his hands, although he is quite the messy eater!
The crazy part about him totally being into table foods is that he still does not have SINGLE TOOTH!! I do not know what is going on up in those gums of his, but no teeth have decided to make their appearance yet. We have sworn that he has been teething for the last 5 months, but apparently we are wrong! :)
Cole has had some major changes though in getting around. He mastered crawling around 8-9 months and very quickly moved onto pulling up and cruising around furniture!!! He loves to pull himself up and has stood without holding on to anything for a couple seconds. I am thinking that we may not have to wait until 15/16 months for him to walk!! It is so exciting for Cole to see things from a different perspective, but boy is he into everything! I don't know if it is him being the second born, or a boy, but he finds and does things that his big sister never dreamed of! Anything he can find on the floor immediately goes in his mouth. We have to be SO careful with what is out on the floor. The floor plants in the house have some sort of magnetic pull on Cole and he has been caught with dirt in his hands, heading towards his mouth many times. He frequently flips over his learning table and finds that rather amusing. He dives over the step into our step-down living room with reckless abandon and just smiles. He is quite the rough and tumble little boy!
One area of concern we do have is with his speech. He doesn't seem to be making the typical babbling sounds that a baby his age normally makes-the buh buh, dada, mama, that sort of thing. Just to be on the safe side we took him to have his hearing screened to make sure that wasn't the reason why. That came up clear, so the next step is that we are going to have an early intervention speech therapist come and observe him to get her input. Depending on if she thinks his speech is discrepant, we may get some speech services for him. Being a teacher and having many friends/family with kiddos in speech, I know how important that early intervention can be so we want to get a jump if there is indeed a delay.
Other random tidbits-Cole pretty much has given up his pacifier. He just generally was never as interested as Mia and he has taken to his thumb when he is tired instead. Cole is quite the squirmy little guy. He is hard to hold still, he likes to constantly be down and moving, unless he is tired. Then he will snuggle up into your chest with his thumb in his mouth. :) Cole is a mama's boy. He could be as happy as could be playing in a room without me, but the second I walk by, he needs to be by me. :) Cole continues to be a good night sleeper, averaging about12 hours a night and an ok napper. We would love some of his naps to be longer, but I am happy to get good sleep each night too!
Kudos if you made it this far, now onto the pictures....

Friday, May 15, 2009
A Rare Picture

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mia in the Dandelions

Friday, May 1, 2009
11th Annual Heart for Life-Sign Up!
Midwest Heart Community Foundation
I am not sure if this picture was before or after Cort shot the Dasbach kids out of the jogging stroller, but either way it made me laugh (only because they were okay!!). I am going to put it out there that I am hoping to run at least most of the 5K this year. Hopefully by writing that and posting it here, it will keep me honest and force me to start training-I only have 2 months!!