This past week, as one of our last hurrahs of the summer, Sarah and Ian invited us to the
Warren Dunes for a day a the beach. We were not feeling totally motivated for 2 more hours in the car (since we had been to St. Louis the weekend prior), but I am glad we did it. The kids had a blast. Cole took a little while to get used to all the sand, but once he did, he was having a ball! I am excited, because I know we will be back visiting next summer with my sister's family and my mom. Here are a ton of pictures....
Cole playing in the sand and water
I love this of the guys with the girls
Mia and Ava swimming
Cort and Cole
Ian and Aidan
The kids had a blast burying one another
Mia, Aidan, and Ava
Mia being buried
Just a head
Me with the kids
Sarah and Ian
All 3 kids buried (this was endless entertainment)

Burying Sarah (Cole also getting in on the action-he did not want to be buried!)
Mia, Sarah and Ava
Some backstory on this-Friday was HOT. It was fine if you were in or near the water, but the guys got the idea they wanted to conquer the big sand dune. However you could barely walk in the sand with flip flops (which they went barefoot) without your feet burning up. But they wanted to give it a try. I sat on a log with Mia and took pictures. :)
Halfway up the dune-taking a break
Cort running for his life with Cole(he had to run it was so hot)
A scenic view of the dunes while I was waiting for the guys to come back down
Cort and Cole trucking down the dune
Back to the beach...
I love these next 2 pictures of Cole-he is such a water baby, just like I was when I was little
Cole and Mia swimmning together
2 funny sidenotes-I had to buy a $2 pair of flip flops to wear home since mine mysteriously disappeared. I don't know if someone accidently (or not accidently) took them, or if they got buried (I dug and dug looking), but they were nowhere to be found and I knew we were stopping for food on the way home and I would need them. Also, I have an awesome farmers tan on my face from wearing my sunglasses all day-and a really, really tan nose. :) I knew it was bad when I took them off and saw Sarah's reaction. :)
A trip to Arlington tomorrow and summer is officially over for us as school resumes mid-week next week. It's been a good one though!