Sunday, September 30, 2007
Blackberry Farm
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Apple Picking

Last year with a mini-appleI think the pumpkin is bigger than her!
Ava and Aidan
Mia in the pumpkin field
Playing with Ava
Aidan picking out a pumpkin with Sarah
Hanging out with daddy
Family picture 2007
Family Picture 2006
Heading home
Visit to Lincoln Park Zoo with Pam
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Get This Girl a Goat!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Mia's Many Faces


Sunday, September 16, 2007
Graue Mill Corn Fest
Mia and Grandma at the water wheel
Taking a walk Mia being serenaded
Mia and Mommy at the waterwheelMia, me and the horse
And on another note, now that Mia is eating table food, one of her favorite things to eat is black beans. Here is what she looks like as she chows down on them.
And here is a totally random picture from Friday. I went to Kendall and met up with Dayna, Jackie, their kids and my former 3rd grade team for lunch. It was so great to see all my old coworkers! Sadly I was having major issues with my camera. As a result, this was about the only picture I got, Mia drinking her sippy on the couch in the teachers lounge. :) Turns out my zoom lense is broken, so I am going to have to send it int to Nikon. Thank god it is still under warranty!
Thursday, September 13, 2007