Thursday, October 16, 2008


Wow, was last night a rough one!! Mia came down with a fever yesterday and after putting her to bed last night, she was up throughout the night waking up uncomfortable, at one point with her fever up to 103.4. We brought her into our bed to comfort her and keep an eye on the fever. It seemed like every time she fell back asleep, Cole woke up for a feeding. Today he is 3 months and I am pretty sure he is going through his 3-month growth spurt because he has been up a lot more than usual the last couple of nights. Add to the mix a cat who must have been jealous that he was not getting attention and decided to run like a maniac throughout our room last night and you get 2 VERY TIRED parents!! I guess that is the life with 2 now!

Mia was pretty lethargic today and watched way too much TV (that's all she wanted to do), but by the evening it seemed like her fever had broke (that has really been her only symptom), so we went out to dinner at Chilis just to get out of the house. When we put her to bed tonight I took her temp again and it is down to 99. Keep your fingers crossed that we have a good night!!! :)

On a funny note, I woke up to Mia's head pressed against mine. When I woke up, we were practically eyeball to eyeball and she had a huge smile on her face-not a bad way to wake up. :)

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