Thursday, December 18, 2008

Little Miss Personality

It's funny as Mia gets older, I just keep thinking "oh, this is the best age!" Then she gets a little older and I go through the same thing again. Right now even though 2 can be challenging at times, it is also so much fun. Mia's vocabulary is growing like crazy, she is talking so much, and always saying things that just make us laugh. She is very, very full of personality, spunkiness, full of life, or whatever you want to call it.

One thing I have noticed recently is that she sees the humor in things and "gets" jokes. She laughs when something funny happens on one of her shows and tries to tell us some joke about a ghost that she seems to find very amusing. One of her new favorite phrases is "Oh Pickles!" Those of you who are lucky enough to watch "Higgly-Town Heroes" will know exactly where that phrase comes from. Mia has the funniest belly-laugh when you get her going.

We have really seen Mia become super-social lately. She seems to exhibit no shyness or hesitation when she is meeting someone new. We have taken her on a couple of tours of schools lately looking for daycare and she just joins right in with the other kids and doesn't want to leave. When we were touring a school the other day we left her in one of the classrooms since she was having such a good time and she literally didn't blink an eye. I have to admit I was proud that she was so independent, but part of me was wanting her to miss me just a *little.*

Mia also loves to talk on the phone. I get to talk to her at least once a day when I am at work and I call home to check-in with Cort. It is so cute to have a conversation with her on the phone and she does pretty good. Whenever I am on my phone around her she wants to take over and hijack the phone from me. I am sure that is payback for all the years I monopolized my parents phone-right mom???

Now don't be mistaken-it is not all rainbows and sunshine around here:). Mia is a girl of extremes, meaning either extreme happiness or extreme unhappiness. When she is tired of upset-look out!! It is meltdown city! Overall though, Mia is truly a joyful little girl and I love these pictures below because they really show her personality.

A New Favorite--Mia-2 years, 4 months
Tell me she does not look like trouble here :)

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