Even though she seemed excited about Santa I wasn't sure how she would be when she actually saw him. I didn't need to worry though because she was THRILLED! Just so happy and excited. She had the biggest smile on her face and was just running around in happiness. When it was time to take our picture with him, she did a great job sitting on his lap and smiling. When we prompted her she was able to tell Santa she wanted books. Cole on the other hand was making faces like he was being blinded by the flash and lights. I wasn't sure if we would get a good one with both of them, but I was happy with what we got. Now the customer service at Picture People....well, that's another story. It made me appreciate taking pictures at my own house and getting them printed on my own time. :)
Sorry for the awful quality of this picture-it is scanned and my scanner is not great!
Santa 2008 (he was a really good Santa!)

although it's not Becky quality (who can beat that!)...it is so adorable and came out great! :)
I love love love how happy Mia looks in Santa's lap! I love how excited they get and the magic they feel when they see him! SO SWEET!
Great picture! And no one's freaking out!
I wish Payton would be that excited about seeing Santa:) The picture is adorable.
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