Today, thanks to Melissa, we headed into the city to
Montrose Beach. She was awesome and organized an end of the summer hurrah for us. :) I had a Mommy-Mia day, while Cort stayed back and had some male bonding time at the park with Cole. The ISU-next generation kids had an absolute blast playing together, while we relaxed and chatted.
Despite the weather saying it was going to be 75 degrees, the temperature off the lake was MUCH cooler than that. It was comical for us all to be at the beach, but bundled up in sweatshirts and blankets (It was reminiscent of one of our spring breaks were it was so cold one day in Cancun, but we were desperate to be at the beach so we were huddled there in our Mexican blankets). The kids were braver and played in a little inlet of water (that was also inhabited by seagulls-gross I know, but the kids were having so much fun), but stayed away from the lake. I dipped my toes in and couldn't believe how cold it was.
After the beach, Pam took Mia and me to this adorable little shop called
Pocket Puppies. They have all these small breeds of dogs that you can take out and play with. My little animal lover LOVED it. After that we hit up
Molly's Cupcakes for a little cupcake for Mia and then we headed back to suburbs, worn out after a great day with friends. :) And now, enough chatter, here are the pictures...
This is my new favorite picture-Mia, Joey, Payton, and Mikey

Pam, Melissa, Kristy and Me (ready for winter in our sweatshirts!)

Group shot

Mia chasing seagulls

Payton digging

Mia, Payton and Mikey working together


Mikey and Mia (they were playing together so nicely!)

Melissa and Pam

Pam , Mia, and a friend at Pocket Puppies

Mia on a swing chair at Molly's enjoying her mini-cupcake

Pam and Mia

Mia and Mommy

Us in the Mirror

The end!