Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sweet and Sour

So this sums up Cole pretty well right now. Poor guy is finally starting to get some teeth in. He got his first 2 (bottom) awhile back and while it bothered him, it didn't seem terrible. But when his first top one came in-look out!! He was not a happy guy. As soon as it broke through, he was back to his normal self. Well, top tooth #2 has almost popped out, and in the meantime we are dealing with some crankiness (not to mention drool-notice his chin and the collar of his shirt!). Either way, we still think he is as sweet as can be and that he rocks the Bears onesie!! :)

P.S.-Yes, I realize my son is suddenly blonde. It is the weirdest thing. I never thought I would have a blonde child! Cort was blonde as a baby, but I look at Cole and cannot believe I gave birth to such a light child. :) On a side note, I think the first haircut is coming soon...


Raising Cains said...

it's funny how different kids are! Sophia won't stick with the walking thing but is getting her 16th tooth. it's like she's on the opposite program.

Shannon said...

He is rowing up so fast...and to think Ali is right there with him..but this picture makes him look like a little boy not a baby anymore...