So what is Mia doing these days? Since this blog is serving somewhat as Mia's baby book, I will detail it here. Well, Mia has been very verbal lately. She is like a little parrot and will repeat words very well. She has a book from Grandma called First 100 Words and she is great at pointing and naming so many of the words like shoes, socks, duck, fish, ball, plane, boat, book, bear, cheese, apple, keys, tv, frog, tree, hat, cat, dog, bunny, pig, cow, sheep, chicken, monkey, and bird. It almost seems like she has new words every day. She loves to make her animal sounds and thinks it is so funny when you ask her to do it. She has a great roar! A new favorite sound of hers is "choo choo" for the sound a train makes. She also talks a lot of gibberish that we DON'T understand. :) She is getting better at saying names like Ava, Aidan, Noah (no-no), Grandma, Gigi, Papa, etc.
One of Mia's new obsessions since it has been nicer is the outdoors. She is very interested in bugs, bunnies and birds. If you tell her there is a bunny or a bird in the yard she goes running for the sliding glass door. When we are outside she will point out any bird that flies by and was so excited to recently see a real live ladybug. We have been reading our ladybug books constantly since. :) Leaves are also very fascinating to Mia and she will collect and bring many of them to you.
The frustrating part of having a toddler comes with the "no, no no!" we hear, in addition to "no, mama!" and "no, mine!" We also get the body arching and kicking when we try to carry Mia away from something she doesn't want to stop, or the running away when she doesn't want to do something or have her diaper changed. Normally if we redirect it stops quickly, but it is not my favorite part of having a toddler!
Mia had been going through a very bad stage with her eating where she was barely eating anything at all and had been really picky, but the last couple days she has really picked up her eating again and I am praying it sticks! The pediatrician assured me that it is normal for this age to be picky and maybe even eat only one good meal a day, but it was frustrating at times to see Mia eat so little when she used to be more of a hearty eater. She also finishes quickly, so keeping her at the dinner table tends to be a challenge at times. We've been working on some tough love, but the screaming through dinner at times isn't always so fun!
Some other random tidbits...Mia still is missing quite a few teeth. She has about 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom and 4 back molars, but is missing her i-teeth and some of her other side teeth. I swear she is the world's slowest teether! Mia is slowly learning to count objects and can count things up to 3, although she needs some prompting. We were stuck on the number 2 forever and she would just repeat that over and over. :) Mia is obsessed with phones. She will pretend anything with numbers is a phone-a remote, calculator, you name it. In other exciting news, Mia finally has enough hair to wear in either a ponytail or pigtails. I waited 20 long months for that day to come!!!! :) Well, that's about it for now, here is an assortment of random 2 month pictures....
She looks sweet and innocent doesn't she???

Caught in the act! Trying to stand on the ottoman (check out the pigtail) Some random pics showcasing the lovely pigtail and Mia's many expressions
The fish-face again
The blink
The cheesy smile
A normal smile
A different perspective The end! (Mia had fallen asleep on the floor with Cort)
Mia is so freaking cute!
I love the update. She is a real toddler now. I feel your pain but you are right...this is a great age. I love the pictures of her with the helmet....she really wanted that thing off!!!
It's amazing to see how much she has grown. She is just an amazing little girl. I can't wait to see her continue to grow and soon be a big sister! I love that Mia loves the outdoors and animals. Thats my girl!
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