So I kind of missed the boat and passed by when Cole hit 5 months. What can I say-life is busy these days!! Anyhow, I thought I would do some catching up here at 5 1/2 months. Cole continues to grow and grow. I am so curious to see what he weighs at his 6 month appointment coming up. I think he will soon be out of his 3-6 month clothes, some are pretty snug right now. He is wearing some of his 6-12 stuff and that just doesn't seem right!! It feels like yesterday he was born.
Cole had been doing good with his sleeping and then all of a sudden it was like we hit a wall-he was waking up WAY earlier, wanting to eat, etc. I figured it was a good time to start cereal (this was about 2-3 weeks ago), and sure enough that did the trick. Cole is doing pretty good sleeping from about 7 at night until 4 or 5ish when he wakes for a feeding. He then goes back down for another couple of hours. Cole is finally falling into a nap schedule, although the length of them leaves a little to be desired. Right now he is taking two 1 1/2 hour naps on average, along with another smaller nap thrown in here or there.
After a week or so with the cereal, we decided to start some solids with Cole. I am trying something different with him that I didn't do with Mia and that is making his baby food. I had heard people talk about this in the past (especially
Kristy) and I thought that while I was off over break I would give it a try. It is super-easy and so far Cole has eaten everything I have made (although I will say he was not so crazy about peas the first time he tried them). I think I will just try and designate one day a week where I make his food for the following week. So far Cole has had sweet potatoes, bananas, and peas. I have squash, avacado, and pears waiting for him in the freezer. :)
Cole continues to roll around both ways now and actually puts himself on his stomach a lot. He likes to lay on his stomach and watch what Mia is playing with. This has also become a big motivation for him to try and scoot and get her toys (which Mia loves-ha, ha!). He tries so hard to scoot, crawl, move, whatever you want to call it. He is very motivated watching Mia. He also LOVES to track her and see what she is doing. She can totally make him laugh and smile and she knows just how to do it. He loves his big sister. It is cute sometimes to hear them in the backseat of the car laughing back and forth.
The next milestone we are working towards is sitting up. Cole will sit in his little Bumbo seat and will also tripod, but that inevitably leads to him falling over (I am always there to catch him!). I think it will still be awhile before he is doing this indpendently, but I look forward to him being able to have a different perspective.
While Cole continues to be pretty mellow, he still has his little quirks. When you sit him in your lap sitting up, he thinks it is hilarious to try and throw himself back like a little wild man. When I put him down to sleep at night, he is just a total wiggle worm, so I just stick him in his crib because he does not seem interested in any sort of rocking. He also has been waking himself up by jamming himself in the corner of his crib. After several nights of having to get his arm out of the slats of the crib, we are now borrowing some breathable bumpers from Sarah and Ian.
Well that is our little guy in a nutshell at 5 1/2 months. Here are some pictures from today of our big boy...
A funny one first-this scrunchy face cracks me up

Acting Shy

This one is a little out of focus, but I love it anyway :)

Rocking the double chin-we are feeding him well!
Just hanging out