Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bye Bye Crib!

Recently Mia's crib was part of a large recall. The way the recall was run was that we had to disassemble her crib and send the hardware to the company before they would send us a voucher for a new crib. Lovely! Anyhow, we completed the rebate as quickly as possible and we have already ordered a new crib (a different brand this time!). The plan is that we will probably just convert the crib into a bed as soon as we get it. The problem is that the rails that convert the crib will not be in for up to 3 months, even though the crib will be in soon.

So what are we doing in the meantime? Well, we have set up my old twin mattress that we had on the floor in Mia's room. It is not the nicest looking thing, but it will do for the time being! I have to say though, the first couple nights of trying out this new "bed" were hilarious. The first night Mia rolled out, into her Christmas tree and knocked it over. The next night when I went in to check her before bed, she was laying in the middle of the floor fast asleep. Too funny!! Anyhow, my coworker had some bed rails, so we got those pronto and haven't had any issues since.

Mia is pretty adaptable when it comes to things like this, and she did awesome with the transition. She continues to have no clue that she could just walk right out of her bed and room in the morning, but that is okay by me! :) She is thrilled to have a "big girl bed," and likes to show it off to people who come over.

Helping dad take the crib apart (she was so excited and I was so sad! It seems like yesterday we put it up-time really flies!)
Seeing what to do next
The famous "smile"
These crack me up-Mia asleep in the middle of the floor (she also likes her holiday pjs, what can I say???)

1 comment:

mrs.monica @ RTP_inHeels said...

wow that smile picture she looks exactly like you! :) She looks so big. I gotta get over to see her again, since last time I saw you she was asleep at home I think! Can't wait to see the Graske kids again! :)