Thursday, May 29, 2008
Memorial Day BBQ
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend Zoo Trip
After that initial craziness though, we enjoyed the nice weather, walking around and the animals. Mia is on a bird-kick and her favorite things to see this time included the chickens, seagulls, and ducks. Very exciting for the zoo, huh??? Either way, she had a good time and we will be back frequently this summer thanks to the membership Cort got for his birthday from my mom and Jen-thanks guys!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Random Updates
First Mia-Overall I would say we have had success with Operation Binky. It took a little over a week for her to stop asking for it, but I have not heard her mention it in a couple of days. Leo continues to maintain his position of importance and now accompanies Mia to bed every night and every nap. The downside to all of this is that Mia has been quite the early-bird lately. I am talking 5:30-6, which used to be more like 6:30-7. Yikes!! She is also waking up crying more. I think she used to wake up, pop the paci back in and just sit and play or chill out for awhile before needing us, whereas now she isn't as sure what to do without it being there. Hopefully this too will pass!
The napping in the afternoon has been a little inconsistent. Sometimes she wants one, other times she doesn't. Sometimes when she has one she wakes up cranky even though she went down happy. I think it is really just time for one nap and thankfully we will be starting that in about 10 days!!
Onto me-I had a Dr. appointment last week (at 31 weeks) and all looked good. I gained 3 pounds more (I have lost track of the grand total, I am going to have to ask next time I am there because I am curious), the heartbeat was 150 and I am measuring ever so slightly behind at 30 1/2 cm. Things look good with the blood issues. It seems like I will not be tested again until right before the birth so they have an accurate picture of my blood if I need another transfusion. It will just be a little trickier to match up the blood this time (if I even need it), since they would not be just looking at the blood type, but also the antibodies (or is it antigens) that is in it. I am now starting on the every 2 week rotation and then come mid-June every week. I have a growth ultrasound scheduled tomorrow, but I am guessing I won't have many details on that until I go to the dr. the following week.
That's all for now!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Late Mother's Day
Mia, Ava and Aidan throwing rocks I promise you that Sarah and I did not talk ahead of time before dressing and doing the girls' hair
The girls loved playing in the big sand bucket
Crazy-hair Mia
Papa with the girls
Cort walking with Mia on the rock path
Congrats to Marina and Corey
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Making Progress!!
--Cort got the closet organizer in
--The furniture is coming tomorrow-woo hoo!!!!!
--Comcast is coming next week to activate the cable jack in our room so we can use the computer in there without the cable cord stretching from the baby's room (formally the office).
--I ordered my pump-I got a great deal from Lactation Care, Inc. The pump was about $50 cheaper than Babies R Us or anything else I could find online.
In ongoing news, my blood test came back positive once again, but the Dr. signed off on it, which the nurse informed me means that there is no major problem at this time. I have another appointment this Thursday so we will see what they say. I also have my growth ultrasound next week, so that will be good to see the baby again and check things out. I am also on the hunt for new bottles. I wasn't sure what to do due to the whole BPA scare, but I think I am going to toss or sell my old Dr. Browns and get the new Dr. Brown BPA-free bottles they are selling. The tricky part with that is they are HARD TO FIND! They are out online and out in-store too. I am currently stalking Babies R Us by calling them daily to find out if their truck brought them.
I also still need to get the double stroller. The list never ends!! I will update in the next couple of days with nursery progress. We have all the bedding an accessories, so once the furniture comes, it will just be a matter of putting it all up and out and figuring out what last-minute things we need.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Buh Bye Binky!!
But this weekend finally was. We didn't have much going on, nobody watching Mia, we weren't out of town, etc. Friday when I picked up Mia I gave Mia a binky with the end cut off. I had heard if you did that the suction was taken away and they wouldn't be interested. That seemed the case as Mia gave it back to me. By naptime, that attitude had turned to pure annoyance. There was a lot of screaming and drama , but finally with some help from Cort, Mia napped without it. That night Cort had softball and I braced myself for a long, painful evening of shrill crying. Imagine my surprise when Mia went to sleep without a peep!!!! This time I had just completely gotten rid of them (out of sight, out of mind). I also learned that if Mia had Leo her lion, she had a much easier time going to sleep. Leo has been a little ignored lately due to her other stuffed animals, but he is once again a BIG comfort item for her.
This seemed to be the pattern the rest of the weekend. Naps for some reason are a little harder to get her down for, although the crying is very brief. She goes to bed at night without a peep though. Mia is still asking for the binky at times, but we just tend to ignore it and she moves on. There was some general crankiness this weekend, but like I said, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated it would be.
Tomorrow will be interesting, as there are kids at daycare with pacifiers, so I am hoping that she is able to handle seeing that and not having her own. I am keeping my fingers crossed that by the end of this week we are pretty much back to normal with the sleeping and that the binky is a long-ago memory!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Cubs Game
Thanks Kel for organizing such a fun night out, thanks Kristy for letting me eat all your peanuts :), and thanks Pam and Ryan for the ride back to our car! Cort and I had a great time!
Pam let me snag these pictures off her blog since I didn't bring my own camera-I know-shocker!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day 2008
In the afternoon we went over to my Aunt Cathy's house to celebrate with my mom and grandma and the rest of the family. My Aunt Jan had flown in from California, so it was great to see her too. I will say that Mia knew how to work the room to get the most sweets as possible out of the family. She had a cupcake, icecream, some cookies, and a hershey kiss or two. Needless to say, she was bouncing off the walls. :) We rarely let her have sweets, so I figured, what the heck? This morning while getting her breakfast she requested a cupcake and cookies-yeah, I don't think so!
Cort's Birthday