Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Making Progress!!

I am excited to say that things are moving along a little more quickly now and we have made some good progress lately. Here's what's new in the world of baby prep for #2:

--Cort got the closet organizer in

--The furniture is coming tomorrow-woo hoo!!!!!

--Comcast is coming next week to activate the cable jack in our room so we can use the computer in there without the cable cord stretching from the baby's room (formally the office).

--I ordered my pump-I got a great deal from Lactation Care, Inc. The pump was about $50 cheaper than Babies R Us or anything else I could find online.

In ongoing news, my blood test came back positive once again, but the Dr. signed off on it, which the nurse informed me means that there is no major problem at this time. I have another appointment this Thursday so we will see what they say. I also have my growth ultrasound next week, so that will be good to see the baby again and check things out. I am also on the hunt for new bottles. I wasn't sure what to do due to the whole BPA scare, but I think I am going to toss or sell my old Dr. Browns and get the new Dr. Brown BPA-free bottles they are selling. The tricky part with that is they are HARD TO FIND! They are out online and out in-store too. I am currently stalking Babies R Us by calling them daily to find out if their truck brought them.

I also still need to get the double stroller. The list never ends!! I will update in the next couple of days with nursery progress. We have all the bedding an accessories, so once the furniture comes, it will just be a matter of putting it all up and out and figuring out what last-minute things we need.


mrs.monica @ RTP_inHeels said...

Beck, just bought those new bottles on a new website...email me and I can send it to you! They were in stock and I bought 2 packs!

Pam said...

Yeah, I like that breast pump better than the one I saw you using at Heather's wedding! ha ha

sarahalexander said...

Thanks for the info. Becky! I have been looking at pumps too and actually have been thinking about getting the one you found!