Well first off, yay!!! I made it full-term. Now where is that darn baby???? :)
In all seriousness, I am happy to have made it full-term and had my 37-week checkup today. I had some extra stuff added on to the appointment due to another positive antibody screen that had come up (I had probably failed to mention they started drawing my blood for these again). Anyhow, they wanted to monitor the baby with a non-stress test and to also check fluid levels to make sure everything still looked a-ok. They assured me this was just them being overly cautious.
After a LONG 2-hour visit at the Dr., everything checked out well. Baby Knuckles was a super-active baby during the non-stress test, which helped things along nicely, and everything looked good on the ultrasound as well. I also had another internal and the obligatory "Wow! The baby is REALLY low!" from yet another dr. Still no more progress, I guess I am destined to hang out at 3 cm. for the remainder of this pregnancy. One interesting tidbit from Dr. Weeks today was that when I had Mia is more likely an indicator of when I will go into labor than how many cm. dilated I am. That was a little bit of a bummer as I was hoping to maybe get an early start now that I am full-term and all. :) Anyone want to start placing bets on when this baby is coming?
I will say that these last couple of days I am slowing down a bit. I have been feeling good, but lately I am super-tired. Having a wild and crazy (and teething again!) toddler doesn't always go together with that! :) Luckily Cort will be around more this week and next as his work schedule isn't as heavy, so that will be a much appreciated break for me. It is now just a waiting game. The bags are packed (mine and Mias!), the carseats installed, pack and plays up, clothes washed, the room somewhat decorated, and now we just wait..
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thank you to the ISU girls!!!
So I just have to give a little shout-out to my wonderful ISU girls. Last weekend at the Heart for Life, Melissa presented me with a gift from all of them, which turned out to be an awesome gift card for Pottery Barn Kids. Anyone who knows me knows I love to shop, and anyone who has been in my house recently has seen that Baby Knuckles' room is in need of some finishing touches and accessories. This gift card is perfect for that!! I am so excited to do some shopping.
I am also so lucky to have such wonderful friends who are there through good times and bad, and I cannot wait for them to meet the baby.
Also, speaking of ISU girls, a special congrats to Heather who is expecting her first baby in January-woo hoo!! Those future Redbirds just keep on coming!!!
Here is a wonderful (he, he) picture of me opening my gift, stolen off Melissa's blog.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Auntie Pam is the Best!
The other day Pam was in town and wanted to see Baby Knuckles room. Hopefully she was not too disappointed as there is still a lot of decor work to be done (which is also why I haven't put any pictures up yet)! She did also want to spend some time with Mia. Mia was thrilled to begin with as Pam presented her with a big box of Baby Mum Mums. Then the fun continued as Pam played hide and seek through the crib, and rocked these cool hats that Mia has. Mia had a great time with her "Pom." :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Dr. Updates
So I have had a couple of Dr. appts. lately so I figured I would update.
First off, I had my 3rd trimester echocardiogram done, as well as a follow-up appointment. All looked good, no significant change with my heart. This was more routine than anything since we already are planning on going the c-section route and not having to worry about pushing this time.
Second, I had another OB appointment today. Woo hoo!! I made it another week! Basically I am still 3 cm. dilated. I am also about 80% effaced and at 0 station (which means the baby has dropped, which I can assure you it feels like!!!). When the dr. examined me her initial comment was "Wow! That baby is LOW!" I got this a lot with Mia, so I am beginning to think that I am an early dilater and low baby carrier. :) Either way, the dr. thinks it could be soon, but also told me that there are people who will walk around at 3 cm. for a couple of weeks. Sooooo, in my gut I feel like the baby is coming fairly soon, but we will see.
I need to have Cort take a picture soon before it's too late!
I will be sure to keep you all posted.....
First off, I had my 3rd trimester echocardiogram done, as well as a follow-up appointment. All looked good, no significant change with my heart. This was more routine than anything since we already are planning on going the c-section route and not having to worry about pushing this time.
Second, I had another OB appointment today. Woo hoo!! I made it another week! Basically I am still 3 cm. dilated. I am also about 80% effaced and at 0 station (which means the baby has dropped, which I can assure you it feels like!!!). When the dr. examined me her initial comment was "Wow! That baby is LOW!" I got this a lot with Mia, so I am beginning to think that I am an early dilater and low baby carrier. :) Either way, the dr. thinks it could be soon, but also told me that there are people who will walk around at 3 cm. for a couple of weeks. Sooooo, in my gut I feel like the baby is coming fairly soon, but we will see.
I need to have Cort take a picture soon before it's too late!
I will be sure to keep you all posted.....
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Heart for Life 2008
Today was the 10th Annual Heart for Life Run/Walk. It is hard to believe I have been doing this for 10 years!! Before we left the house, the rain was pouring down, but by the time the race had started, the skies had pretty much cleared and it turned out to be a beautiful day. Pam saw a rainbow on the way there and I would like to think my dad was looking down on us. We all wore our shirts again in rememberance of my dad, which was very special to see again. It was also awesome to watch all the kids get to participate in the kids run now that they are all getting older. Also, 3 of the families (Pulins, Graskes, and Dasbachs) all won prizes in the raffle-yay!! Congrats to Pam who ran her personal best!!!
I did not walk much since I didn't think that would be the best idea, but that allowed me to cheer on the brave part of the group that ran. Thank you to my mom and aunt for taking Mia along with them so I didn't have to walk and Cort could run.
Thank you to all of you who came out! It was a great day and it means so much to be able to spend it with you all year after year. :)
Warning-lots of pictures ahead!!!
I did not walk much since I didn't think that would be the best idea, but that allowed me to cheer on the brave part of the group that ran. Thank you to my mom and aunt for taking Mia along with them so I didn't have to walk and Cort could run.
Thank you to all of you who came out! It was a great day and it means so much to be able to spend it with you all year after year. :)
Warning-lots of pictures ahead!!!
Waiting for the race/walk to begin
Steph and Pat
Cort pushing the Dasbach kids
And the walkers come in-my mom and Noah, Aunt and Mia
The kids getting ready for their race
Mia with Michael and Joey
Aidan getting a pep talk
And they're off!!!
Sam and Joey
Jen and Noah
Cort and Mia
Sarah and Ava
My little Mimi and Leo finishing strong :)
Mia with her first medal
Mia with Michael and Joey
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Arboretum Again
Some days I feel like every other post is about the Arboretum. But.......it is a really fun place to go. :) Today we went there to meet up with Kristy and Payton, as well as Michelle and her daughter Bella. (I used to teach with Michelle at Kendall). I invited Sarah and the kids along as well, since she is going to be a Kendall Patriot next year. :) We spent our time in the Children's Garden once again, with all the water activities being the favorites. Who knew a water pump could be the source of so much entertainment? I am a little lame with the pictures today-I am just a tired lady!
Payton and Mia feeling the water trickle
Monday, June 16, 2008
Holy Moly-3 cm. dilated!!!
So today I went to the dr. for a check up and got a big shock first when they told me they were going to do an internal exam (I had originally been told it wouldn't be until next week), and then when Dr. Martin told me I was already 3 cm. dilated. I asked if this meant bedrest (praying hard that it didn't), since I am only 35 1/2 weeks at this point, or just taking it easy. He pointed out that that probably wasn't feasible with a toddler (Mia was along with me).
Basically he said the baby being born any time before 37 weeks would mean it was a preemie, but many times babies born even at 36 weeks are able to go home with their parents. Because Mia was a respectable size when she was born and everything has looked good with size based on the growth ultrasound, I am not stuck on bedrest. He said I may very well have a June baby, but there is really no way to know. My body may hang on until the end like it did with Mia, although at this point with her I was only 1 1/2 cm. dilated. I am hoping to hold on until at least 36-37 weeks at the very minimum, but we will see what mother nature has in store for me. Basically if I start having serious contractions or my water breaks, I need to call and they will set up my operating room and I will go in for the c-section then.
I will say that this motivates me to get my bag packed which has not yet been done. :) Everything else is pretty much in place besides finishing up decorating the nursery, which isn't a big deal to me since we at least have furniture and bedding and the baby won't even be in there right away. Cort will be putting up the pack and play and swing ASAP. :)
Dr. Martin also referred to Baby Knuckles as a "jumper" when he was examining me, which doesn't seem to go along with my hope for a second more mellow baby. :) Heartrate was 144 and my belly continues to be on the smaller side at just short of 34 cm.
Keep your fingers crossed that Baby Knuckles holds on at least another week or two (if not more!!).
Basically he said the baby being born any time before 37 weeks would mean it was a preemie, but many times babies born even at 36 weeks are able to go home with their parents. Because Mia was a respectable size when she was born and everything has looked good with size based on the growth ultrasound, I am not stuck on bedrest. He said I may very well have a June baby, but there is really no way to know. My body may hang on until the end like it did with Mia, although at this point with her I was only 1 1/2 cm. dilated. I am hoping to hold on until at least 36-37 weeks at the very minimum, but we will see what mother nature has in store for me. Basically if I start having serious contractions or my water breaks, I need to call and they will set up my operating room and I will go in for the c-section then.
I will say that this motivates me to get my bag packed which has not yet been done. :) Everything else is pretty much in place besides finishing up decorating the nursery, which isn't a big deal to me since we at least have furniture and bedding and the baby won't even be in there right away. Cort will be putting up the pack and play and swing ASAP. :)
Dr. Martin also referred to Baby Knuckles as a "jumper" when he was examining me, which doesn't seem to go along with my hope for a second more mellow baby. :) Heartrate was 144 and my belly continues to be on the smaller side at just short of 34 cm.
Keep your fingers crossed that Baby Knuckles holds on at least another week or two (if not more!!).
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Splash Pad
Tonight Sarah and I took the kids over to the Bolingbrook Promenade since I have been craving a salad from Salad Creations. I figured we could get our salads and then let the kids splash around on the big splash pad while we ate outside. Oh my gosh did Mia have a blast! It is funny because she is hesitant about some things, but with other things just jumps right in. I swear she was soaking wet within 30 seconds! It was also cute how she got right in with the big kids. I think she misses her daycare friends! :) Every once in awhile she would take a break and give me a nice, big, wet hug. Here are a couple of pics-not the best, but I was trying not to get sprayed!
Having so much fun!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Noah's Birthday Party
This afternoon was Noah's 2nd birthday party. It is hard to believe that Noah is 2 already!! Jen organized a great Elmo party and my mom hosted the party at her house. There was pin the tail on the donkey, lots of fun with bubbles, and Noah and Mia had a ball dancing to the Wiggles. Noah got lots of great gifts and Mia got a couple herself. :) Happy Birthday Noah!
Checking out the loot :)

Mia and Noah dancing together

The Grandmas helping the kids burn off some sugar

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