Tuesday, March 6, 2012


By now most people have heard this story, but we recently started checking out a local church, Wheatland Salem Methodist Church. The first time we were there, we got the kids all settled for Sunday school.  In Cole's class they had him write his own name tag. Well, Cole CAN write his name.  But sometimes he chooses to write all the letters, but put them out of order.  Apparently sometimes he also likes to just completely leave out letters.  When he combines these two, this is what you end up with:

Cole spent the whole Sunday school hour being called "Leo."  Did he correct the teachers?  Nope!  When we picked him up, saw the nametag, and called him Cole, we all realized what happened and had a good laugh.  You can be sure that nametag is going in his memory bin.  :)  I will say though that after Valentine's day and writing his name many, many times on Valentine's, I don't think this will happen again.  :)


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