Monday, March 19, 2012

Maddox's 1st Birthday

I know I've said it before, but I am so fortunate that many of my friends today are the same friends I had back when I was 12-13 years old and attending Jefferson Jr. High (20+ years ago-aaaaggghhh!!!).  It is so crazy that we now have children that are play and attend birthday parties together.  Recently Marina's son Maddox turned 1.  We headed into the city for his birthday party and I have to say, Marina outdid herself with all the cute Dr. Suess themed decorations.  I really did not do the best job taking pictures that day, but I did manage to get a few.

Here is Cole about to dive into his cupcake
Mia enjoying hers
Erica :)
Cole and Cort-matching with their navy blue pull-overs, ha, ha!
Mia and Mommy
Addison and Mia-the two big kindergarteners
And of course, the guest of honor-Maddox and Marina
(with a possessed looking Cort in the background)

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