This year for Christmas, Jen and I gave my mom 12 pre-planned monthly excursions for the year. Some of these are with kids and some without. :) To start off January, we ventured out to the city for a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. (On a side note, we went on a free day, scored free street parking, and brought our own lunch. So we had a great day in the city for the price of gas money!)
It had been awhile since we had been there and it was awesome! There were all the old exhibits I remembered, but lots of really great new ones. We had a great time exploring and learning a little something along the way.
Had to get a picture of the kids in this one. I have a picture from my film days of Cort and I posing here.
Cole and Grammy checking out the trains (note that this is Cole's smiley face-squinty eye and all!)
Mia checking out one of the interactive displays at Science Storms
Cole joining in
Noah and Mia by the "tornado"
Grammy giving some science lessons to Claire :)
They also had these neat little science kits the kids could choose from to assemble and bring home-so nice!
Mia assembling her windmill generator
Cole helping as well
My husband is pretty impressive, huh?
I can never resist these things
Grammy with her grandkids
Mia and Cole in the John Deere-I love this one
I managed to squeeze myself up there too!
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